Access real-time, up-to-date information about the price of milk so you know exactly what your milk should be worth each day.
Access real-time, up-to-date information about the price of milk so you know exactly what your milk should be worth each day.
Lock-in your future milk price when you choose so you have control of how much you’re earning.
Lock-in your milk price for up to two years ahead giving you price security for the future.
Lock-in a minimum price for your milk with our Price Protection. If you think milk prices will go up, you’ll get the price increase, but if prices drop, you’re protected.
See trends as they develop so you understand what’s happening to the milk price and you can make more informed decisions about price for your farm business.
Lock-in your Feed, Fuel & Fertiliser input costs and secure your margin.
We’re creating a more sustainable dairy supply chain where everyone wins.
The Concept Dairy™️ solution is good for farmers, good for processors and good for dairy buyers.
If everyone’s winning, the whole supply chain gets stronger.
Access real-time, up-to-date information about the price of milk.
See and understand trends as they develop.
Lock-in your future milk price when you choose.
Lock-in your milk price for as long as two years ahead.